


Bridging the diversity gap within the digital and tech sector is an important issue for the industry and wider society, 对推动平等至关重要. 多元化的劳动力对企业有积极的影响, 包括更好地了解客户和员工, 更好、更包容的产品和服务, 更多创意和创新, 从更广泛的技能组合中选择更多的人才. 

We spoke to our members about their strategies for closing the diversity gap within their organisations and what they can share with the community on ensuring everyone has a place within the digital and tech sector. 


我们专注, 我们生活, we inspire – We take care of our colleagues and future talents by creating an inclusive working environment as well as fair and equal chances to support each individual performing their best.

作为一个全球性组织, 我们有责任拥抱多样性, 推动积极的变革,确保我们的业务反映社会. Inclusiveness is about each and every one of us feeling comfortable bringing our true selves to work each day and feeling valued for who we are and what we can do. 

作为我们精神的重要组成部分, all of our managers have now gone through our “Diversity Wins” training programme – which will be made available to all colleagues in 2022. 我们还建立了5个由同事主导的多元化项目 & 由多个分会组成的共融网络,协助推动我们的多元化和共融计划. 

As we work towards our Beyond 100 strategy and target of 30% diverse candidates in management by 2025 – we clearly see how diversity and inclusion drive success.  建立更广泛的经验, 创造力和包容性增强了我们的理解能力, 开发, 并吸引未来的人才, 创意和客户将帮助定义下一代宾利汽车.


It’s not a surprise to say that both tech and energy are industries that suffer from underrepresentation in non-white and female demographics. 通过参与社区和演讲, 赞助和举办活动,支持科技领域代表性不足的群体, we’ve been able to build a much more inclusive team and establish routes into the industry for people from more diverse backgrounds. We partner with schools in underprivileged areas of Manchester and London to talk to make sure students know the career choices available to them and offer work experience placements so they can try out for themselves roles that they may never have had any exposure to previously. We also hold annual tech and customer management internship programmes for women and those who identify with any Black, 非洲或加勒比背景.

我们明白,留住员工和招聘员工同样重要. 我们是唯一一家存在性别薪酬差距、有利于女性的大型能源公司, 对待我们所有的员工都是成年人和独立的个体, 以透明和尊重的沟通, 灵活性,以满足每个人的需求, 并注重工作与生活的平衡,并提供无限制的年假. 我们也允许现有员工为我们的公平、多元化做出贡献 & 包括(EDI)策略,通过参与访问,培训和撰写内容. 在KrakenFlex, EDI不是一个人的工作,而是一个团队的工作.


对我们来说,让每个人都感到他们是真正受欢迎的,这是非常重要的, 在奈穆里安全自由地做自己. 

This is what drives our internal processes to ensure we create and have an ever-evolving inclusive and open culture.

我们热衷于创造一种欢迎, 在我们的招聘过程中,这是一个轻松的环境,从第一次见到我们开始, 无论是在线还是面对面. 

确保我们意识到偏见(1).e - by being swayed by a football team a candidate may support) when interviewing is vital and we work hard to make sure that during onboarding and induction each new recruit is made to feel like a valued member of Naimuri. We ask for feedback regularly and run workshops with our new joiners to make sure we don’t lose sight of this inclusivity.

在Naimuri, character is just as (or even more so) important as competence and we actively encourage candidates of all different backgrounds and identities (with varying perspectives and values) to join us, to ensure Naimuri is continually evolving and producing its best work in an inclusive and creative environment.

持续改进是Naimuri的基石. 我们总是可以变得更好.

重要的是,所有的声音和观点都能被听到,以及研讨会和精益咖啡会议, we run surveys every 3 months that always include questions about how inclusive our people think we are and how we can make changes. 这些反馈会在Naimuri内部共享,我们会根据收到的反馈采取行动.

我们有很多内部权力集团, which are driven by our people and their personal passions or topics which they feel are important to them and/or the culture of the business.

权力集团的成员聚在一起创造, 促进, embed, 并在整个Naimuri中维持他们的话题. 在Naimuri,我们有一个多元化和包容性力量小组. 这对我们很重要.


在Nimble,平等、多元化和包容是我们工作的核心. We celebrate differences and recognise the unique value and strengths that each individual brings to the company and culture.

Nimble是一个让人们做自己、成长的安全空间. 我们的开放文化,ED&一、活动及培训, ensure everyone knows the value of difference and we nurture and encourage behaviours that support a truly inclusive organisation.

我们花时间去了解每个人的目标和抱负. 支持他们实现目标,无论背景如何. 每个人都有公平的机会茁壮成长,实现自己的目标. 有一致性的框架,有空间根据个人需求进行调整.

我们是一个对残疾人充满信心的雇主,并不断监督我们的招聘,以改善无障碍环境, 消除偏见和性别歧视的语言.


Lottie Robinson, People @ 灵活的方法主管


瑞士再保险英国公司致力于建立一支包容性的员工队伍,因为我们认为这是业务成功的关键. Earlier this year we undertook and achieved the National Equality Standard (NES) accreditation which provided strategic guidance on building an inclusive workforce.

在招聘过程中确保所有候选人机会均等对我们来说非常重要. 我们使用专业软件, Textio, 筛选我们的职位描述,并与专业招聘机构和项目合作, 包括myGwork和CodeFirstGirls, 建立一个强大的多元化人才管道,并接触到代表性不足的候选人. 我们欢迎工作分享和兼职工作.

我们有七个包容性 & 由充满激情的员工经营的多元化网络, 来自不同业务部门的代表, 工作级别和不同的背景和身份. 我们的网络与我们的高级领导人合作,开展包容性领导力冠军计划,以实施变革. 例如, the Networks launched our UK inclusive language guide and masterclasses with the purpose of increasing education on key terminology and empowering everyone to talk about inclusion.

Through #包容stories we invite our employees to share real experiences that colleagues can connect with and better understand what it's like to stand in someone else's shoes. 这些故事有助于我们突出对包容的不同看法, encouraging our 瑞士再保险 community to talk and think about these sensitive and important topics more openly.

欲了解更多信息,请访问多元化,公平 & 入选|瑞士再保险.


You will need to speak to our People Team to find out what is their secret but the first step is how we recruit new colleagues – it is very much a two-way conversation where both sides get to find out whether they are the right fit for each other and cultural alignment is one of the key recruitment criteria. It doesn’t matter how great your technical skills are if you do not believe in respecting everyone else and knowing that the more diverse we are, 我们能做的最好的工作. 

另一个重要的因素是,在z hlke,你找不到“多样性” & “包容委员会”,因为我们深信,包容是我们所做的一切不可或缺的计划, and it is a consideration at each step – starting from recruitment to project work and everything in-between. 此外, 我们认识到我们在许多方面都是不同的, 所以我们要确保每个人都能得到正确的支持,发挥出他们最好的水平, e.g. neurodiverse candidates can ask for appropriate accommodation throughout the recruitment process or special work arrangements for their day-to-day work.

