
Even the Mighty Can Fall: The Top Five Cyber Incidents of 2024 So Far

Even the Mighty Can Fall: The Top Five Cyber Incidents of 2024 So Far


当我们接近2024年的一半, 我们已经目睹了几起重大的网络事件,这些事件对全球主要组织产生了深远的影响. 这些事件导致了类似MITRE的事件, 微软甚至国防部(MoD), having to answer uncomfortable questions as to how these incidents occurred.

在这个博客中, we highlight the top five cyber incidents of the year so far, 检查发生了什么, 谁受到了影响, 的影响, and the broader implications for cyber security practices. 十大正规博彩网站评级 us as we cover these major cyber incidents and explore the lessons we can learn from them.


美国和英国指控中国政府间谍机构支持的黑客进行了长达一年的网络攻击活动, 针对政客, 记者, 和企业. 这个活动, 被认为是中国政府支持的黑客组织所为, 旨在窃取敏感信息, 破坏关键基础设施. 这些协同网络攻击表明,民族国家行为体构成的威胁日益严重,需要国际合作,以有效打击敌对民族国家或国家支持的网络威胁. [来源:英国《全球最大的博彩平台》]

These attacks highlight that cyber threats don’t just originate from opportunistic cyber criminals, 他们背后还有民族国家的力量. 组织需要确保他们定期审查他们的网络安全状况,以确保网络防御是最新的,并遵循当前的最佳实践. A 网络安全态势评估 能否突出组织的防御优势,并指出需要重点改进的地方.


在一个 significant data breach reported earlier this month, 数量不详的现役和退役英国军事人员的个人信息通过国防部(MoD)使用的工资系统被获取。. The compromised data includes names, bank details, and, in some cases, personal addresses. 违反, which targeted a system managed by an external contractor, 没有涉及任何国防部的操作数据吗. Immediate action was taken to take the system offline, and investigations are ongoing. Defence Secretary Grant Shapps is set to outline a response plan, which will include measures to protect affected individuals.

Whilst it has still not been revealed as to who is behind the attack, 这一事件凸显了确保由外部承包商管理的供应链和系统安全的重要性,并证明了脆弱的产品是多么容易使最成熟的组织暴露在持续的威胁行为者面前.

保罗克兰普顿, IASME合作伙伴服务经理十大正规博彩网站评级网络安全10步视频系列,深入探讨供应链安全.


这是另一个全球最大的博彩平台供应链安全的不幸故事, MITRE disclosed a significant cyber-attack in April 2024, 由国家支持的黑客利用Ivanti VPN软件的零日漏洞精心策划.

MITRE是R中的关键角色&D for US government projects and authors of the widely adopted MITRE ATT&CK框架 . 这次袭击, attributed to a Chinese cyber espionage group known as UNC5221, 目标是MITRE的NERVE(网络实验), 研究, and Virtualization Environment) an unclassified network used for research and development.

The hackers leveraged vulnerabilities CVE-2023-46805 and CVE-2024-21887, deploying sophisticated malware such as BrickStorm and BeeFlush, and used compromised administrator credentials to create rogue virtual machines. 

This breach again underscores the critical importance of supply chain security, as vulnerabilities in third-party products can serve as entry points for significant cyber attacks. 希望防止这些类型攻击的组织应该有严格的漏洞管理,并确保他们使用供应链风险评估来确定最佳的第三方合作伙伴. 

Despite maintaining persistence and attempting lateral movement within the NERVE infrastructure, 攻击者访问其他资源失败。处理步骤. This highlights the importance of architecture and configuration as although the hackers got in, 他们在网络中的活动受到限制,因此减少了这些网络罪犯可能造成的损害.


根据香料工厂发布的一篇文章, 微软的顶级云服务, Azure, suffered a data breach in February 2024 affecting hundreds of executive Azure accounts, raising concerns over the security of big cloud-based platforms. 违反 revealed critical vulnerabilities in Microsoft’s security measures, 与之前的事件类似.

攻击者利用了一个零日漏洞, cve - 2024 - 21410, 在Microsoft Exchange服务器中, 允许他们访问和滥用Windows NT Lan Manager (NTLM)散列来冒充合法用户. Up to 97,000 Exchange servers are vulnerable to this flaw, which has a severity rating of 9.1. 另外, Microsoft disclosed two more zero-day vulnerabilities: CVE-2024-21412, 安全特性绕过, 和cve - 2024 - 21351, SmartScreen绕过漏洞. These issues affected Exchange server versions before the February 13th update.

据信,肇事者是来自尼日利亚和俄罗斯的黑客组织,他们利用嵌入文件中的代理服务和网络钓鱼链接, 主要针对中高层管理人员. 这种攻击, 涉及用户模拟, 数据提取, 金融欺诈, marks the first time such a breach has occurred on the Azure platform.

自那以后,微软已经采取了措施来减轻这次入侵的影响,并加强其云服务的安全性. 这一事件使微软重新受到审查,因为在2023年发生过类似事件,当时中国支持的黑客能够访问存储在Azure平台上的敏感数据。

这两起事件强调了经常性的重要性 漏洞扫描 补丁管理. 希望降低过时软件和零日漏洞风险的组织应确保拥有强大的补丁管理流程,并在其基础设施和应用程序中定期进行漏洞扫描,以保持其资产的完整性.

With such a vast and evolving suite of customisable products and features, it can be hard to stay up to date with the most recent security recommendations for Microsoft 365. 在一个 微软365安全评估, CyberLab可以根据互联网安全中心(CIS)的行业标准基准,审核您的MS365配置,帮助您确保日常运营的安全性。.


Digital transformation has revolutionised processes and information management, 尤其是在医疗保健领域. However, with these advancements come significant cyber security challenges.

由于针对其系统的网络攻击,NHS邓弗里斯和加洛韦面临严重中断. 这次袭击, 发生在2024年初, prompted concerns over the security of sensitive healthcare data and patient records.

While details about the nature and extent of the breach remain limited, the incident underscores the persistent threat posed by cyber attacks on critical infrastructure, 特别是在医疗保健领域. 

了解在不断变化的威胁环境中保护医疗保健组织的复杂性,并发现降低风险的策略 保障医疗机构安全博客.

总之, 到目前为止,2024年的五大网络攻击清楚地提醒我们,威胁形势正在演变. 通过了解这些事件并实施分层的战略方法来实现网络安全, 组织可以更好地保护他们的员工, data, 和客户.

保持警惕, 不断更新你的防御, and ensure your incident response plans are robust to safeguard against future cyber threats.


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CyberLab是一家专业的网络安全公司,提供广泛的安全解决方案和服务. 您的一站式网络安全顾问, 赛博实验室团队配备了合适的技术, 知识, 以及帮助各种规模企业的专业知识, 包括大型公共部门组织.通过利用世界一流的技术, 数十年的经验, 以及我们的供应商伙伴关系, we have helped to secure thousands of organisations across the UK. 我们独特的探测, 保护, 支持 approach makes us the perfect partner to review and reinforce your cyber security defences.  CyberLab团队自豪地帮助保护了1000多家英国蓝筹企业, 政府部门, 还有家喻户晓的名字.我们帮助各种形式和规模的组织改善其网络安全:“在CyberLab的持续支持下,我们能够确保我们的解决方案始终符合目的.——安德鲁·卓别林, IT基础设施, Spicerhaart说:“在担任IT主管之前,我们的客户在TrustPilot CyberLab上对我们的评价是优秀的, I had no hesitation in engaging them again to assist us with our security needs. Simply, I wouldn’t use them if they didn’t consistently deliver value.” - Head of IT, NHS Trust “CyberLab are always there to help. 能够拿起电话或电子邮件,并有一个专门的客户经理,他总是在那里提供帮助,为我们提供卓越的价值.——西蒙·霍布德尔, 技术组长, 白金汉郡议会网络实验室, a specialist cyber security company combining Chess Cyber Security, Armadillo Sec and Cyberlab ConsultingOur HistorySince the acquisition of Foursys in 2017, Chess has been on a journey to becoming a cyber security powerhouse. In 2021, 通过收购Armadillo Sec, 15名英国顶级渗透测试专家十大正规博彩网站评级了该公司. In 2023, Chess收购了Cyberlab Consulting, 提供一系列合规和托管安全服务的专业网络安全咨询公司, including a cyber security as a service (CSaaS) platform.2023年5月, 国际象棋网络安全独立于国际象棋信息通信技术, 将我们所有的网络安全业务纳入赛博实验室旗下,赛博实验室是一家专业的网络安全公司,与国际象棋网络安全公司合并, 犰狳证券公司和网络实验室咨询公司合二为一, providing a one-stop shop for all UK business Security needs.


CyberLab是一家专业的网络安全公司,提供广泛的安全解决方案和服务. 您的一站式网络安全顾问, 赛博实验室团队配备了合适的技术, 知识, 以及帮助各种规模企业的专业知识, 包括大型公共部门组织.通过利用世界一流的技术, 数十年的经验, 以及我们的供应商伙伴关系, we have helped to secure thousands of organisations across the UK. 我们独特的探测, 保护, 支持 approach makes us the perfect partner to review and reinforce your cyber security defences.  CyberLab团队自豪地帮助保护了1000多家英国蓝筹企业, 政府部门, 还有家喻户晓的名字.我们帮助各种形式和规模的组织改善其网络安全:“在CyberLab的持续支持下,我们能够确保我们的解决方案始终符合目的.——安德鲁·卓别林, IT基础设施, Spicerhaart说:“在担任IT主管之前,我们的客户在TrustPilot CyberLab上对我们的评价是优秀的, I had no hesitation in engaging them again to assist us with our security needs. Simply, I wouldn’t use them if they didn’t consistently deliver value.” - Head of IT, NHS Trust “CyberLab are always there to help. 能够拿起电话或电子邮件,并有一个专门的客户经理,他总是在那里提供帮助,为我们提供卓越的价值.——西蒙·霍布德尔, 技术组长, 白金汉郡议会网络实验室, a specialist cyber security company combining Chess Cyber Security, Armadillo Sec and Cyberlab ConsultingOur HistorySince the acquisition of Foursys in 2017, Chess has been on a journey to becoming a cyber security powerhouse. In 2021, 通过收购Armadillo Sec, 15名英国顶级渗透测试专家十大正规博彩网站评级了该公司. In 2023, Chess收购了Cyberlab Consulting, 提供一系列合规和托管安全服务的专业网络安全咨询公司, including a cyber security as a service (CSaaS) platform.2023年5月, 国际象棋网络安全独立于国际象棋信息通信技术, 将我们所有的网络安全业务纳入赛博实验室旗下,赛博实验室是一家专业的网络安全公司,与国际象棋网络安全公司合并, 犰狳证券公司和网络实验室咨询公司合二为一, providing a one-stop shop for all UK business Security needs.


